Development related information.

I am a self taught web developer. I used every resource I could find to help me study web technologies. Started from freeCodeCamp and YouTube then bought 2 Udemy courses to study full stack development.

My main stack:

  • NextJS/React
  • Tailwind
  • NodeJS
  • Strapi
  • MongoDB

Reach out to me here, I'll be happy to answer and connect with any developers.



    HTML/CSS learning at freeCodeCamp.
  • Finished the Responsive Web Design curriculum and got certified.


    Oh sh....
  • Ventured into JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures. Also got the certification.



  • Started learning React and doing projects using it. Also started using Tailwind.

Full stack

  • Studied server and backend logic using Node. Started going deep with the learning and discovering new technologies.


Applying to jobs

    ..with 0 experience.
  • Started applying to jobs with no past experience, but some projects to showcase and a portfolio.

First Job!

    Ecommerce developer
  • Got my first developer job at an office, developing online stores using CloudCart.


Started Freelancing

    Based on the website you are on.
  • Built this website and started looking for clients!